Buying a home most likely will be one of your biggest purchases, and that’s why the decision to become a homeowner should be very personal one. The timing should be determined by your own particular situation and finances and never because everyone else around you is doing it. Though I understand the temptation! Below are […]
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Having a yard for the first time can be exciting. You’ve got this extra living space to use for gathering with friends and family, or just hanging out and relaxing outside in the fresh air. But before you start thinking of buying that fire pit and inviting friends over, review my tips below about buying […]
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This 8-week series, How to Find the Perfect Home for You and Your Budget, will show you how your next home can match your wants, needs and, most importantly, your budget. There’s no reason you can’t dream big with this next purchase, all the while working within your budget. Even though you may feel more […]
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Taking that first step to buy a new home — whether it’s your first, second or “forever” one — can feel exciting, overwhelming, and daunting all at once. And when you are looking for your next best home, you may want to dream bigger this time around but don’t know how to make it affordable […]
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This 8-week series, How to Find the Perfect Home for You and Your Budget, will show you how your next home can match your wants, needs and, most importantly, your budget. There’s no reason you can’t dream big with this next purchase, all the while working within your budget. Even though you may feel more […]
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Downsizing Series — Week 6 The thought of downsizing usually brings a negative connotation to it. Something we “have to do” or are forced to do at some point in life. I totally disagree with this way of looking at downsizing. I think the concept should be embraced and even celebrated because sometimes in life less is more. Here’s […]
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Downsizing Series — Week 5 The thought of downsizing usually brings a negative connotation to it. Something we “have to do” or are forced to do at some point in life. I totally disagree with this way of looking at downsizing. I think the concept should be embraced and even celebrated because sometimes in life […]
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Downsizing Series — Week 4 The thought of downsizing usually brings a negative connotation to it. Something we “have to do” or are forced to do at some point in life. I totally disagree with this way of looking at downsizing. I think the concept should be embraced and even celebrated because sometimes in life […]
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Downsizing Series — Week 3 The thought of downsizing usually brings a negative connotation to it. Something we “have to do” or are forced to do at some point in life. I totally disagree with this way of looking at downsizing. I think the concept should be embraced and even celebrated because sometimes in life less is more. Here’s […]
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Downsizing Series — Week 2 The thought of downsizing usually brings a negative connotation to it. Something we “have to do” or are forced to do at some point in life. I totally disagree with this way of looking at downsizing. I think the concept should be embraced and even celebrated! Here’s the perfect 5-week […]
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First Responders give selflessly to our communities every day. Working weekends, missing holidays, and missing special events because you are serving your community. Every day you show up and do the things most people are not willing to do. Your service deserves a reward.
Buying and/or selling real estate can be expensive. As a THANK YOU for your dedication and hard work to make our communities a beautiful, safe place to live and raise our families, I offer significant savings throughout the transaction to First Responders. Every client is different, so let's meet, talk through your goals, the Homes for Heroes program and see how I can serve you!